Hire ADA and WCAG Web Accessibility Specialist

我们的数字无障碍专家团队在网络内容的补救证明的经验, documents, video, and audio assists with the development of compliant, accessible digital assets. With increasing emphasis on web accessibility standards and regulations, 我们为州和联邦机构提供网络可访问性补救服务, corporations, higher education institutions, and large enterprises.


Manual Accessibility Audit

我们专门的无障碍开发人员对数字平台进行彻底的审计和评估,以识别现有的无障碍障碍, user experience issues, and areas for improvement. Leveraging their expertise and industry-standard tools, 他们提供可行的建议和解决方案,以提高可访问性,并确保遵守相关法规和指导方针,如WCAG.

Read more about Manual Accessibility Audit

Manual Accessibility Audit


Accessibility Remediation

Hire an experienced accessibility developer for structure related updates, fixing ARIA attributes, fixing image alt-text, color contrast check, behavior related updates, forms remediation, responsiveness, document, multimedia remediation, screen reader compatibility, and more.

Read more about Accessibility Remediation

Accessibility Remediation


Accessibility Testing and Quality Assurance

我们对各种辅助技术和用户场景进行严格的测试,以确保数字平台满足不同能力用户的需求. Our dedicated accessibility developers meticulously review code, content, and design elements to identify and address accessibility issues, ensuring a seamless user experience for everyone.

Accessibility Testing and Quality Assurance icon

Accessibility Testing and Quality Assurance


VPAT 2.5 & ACR Authoring Consultants

我们的开发人员提供VPAT和ACR服务,提供全面的评估,以确保数字产品符合无障碍标准. Our team of experts meticulously assesses websites, applications, software, 并提供详细的报告,概述合规水平和需要改进的领域.

Read more about VPAT 2.5 & ACR Authoring Consultants

VPAT 2.5 & ACR Authoring Consultants icon

VPAT 2.5 & ACR Authoring Consultants


Training and Consultation

我们经验丰富的专业团队与客户紧密合作,制定定制的策略, implement best practices, and foster a culture of inclusivity, enabling businesses to comply with accessibility regulations. 我们的专业团队为您的团队提供知识和技能,以维护网站自给自足,定期更新.

Read more about Training and Consultation

Training and Consultation icon

Training and Consultation


Maintenance and Monitoring

ADA网站的监控和维护包括新页面或内容更新, updating navigation, headings, tags, remediating any new section on the website quarterly based on requirements.

Maintenance and Monitoring


Accessibility Support


Accessibility Support

Flexible engagement models to hire web accessibility developer

Project-Based Engagement

  • 适合有短期可访问性需求或特定项目的组织.
  • 在项目的基础上雇佣网页易访问性开发人员来解决即时的易访问性问题或在新项目中实现易访问性特性.
  • 受益于我们的专业知识,并专注于在您的项目时间表和预算内提供可访问的解决方案.
  • No hidden cost. One-time fixed price contract.

Monthly Dedicated Resource Allocation

  • Suitable for organizations requiring ongoing accessibility support, expertise, or having multiple projects.
  • 享受根据不断变化的需求向上或向下扩展资源的灵活性, ensuring continuous accessibility improvements.
  • Minimum 6-month contract. No hidden cost. No long-term commitment.

Hire Retainer-Based Accessibility Expert

  • 理想的组织,有持续或反复需要的专业知识或服务.
  • Timely retainer-based support monthly or annually and tailored solution.
  • Cost-effective solution.
  • No hidden cost. No long-term commitment.

White Label Accessibility Developer Services

  • Suitable for digital agencies, hosting service providers, user experience specialists, digital marketing firm, CSR, and PR agencies, MSPs, and law firms.
  • A dedicated developer or a team is available to provide support.
  • No hidden cost. No long-term commitment.

What our client says about us

他们为我们的网站提供了优秀的ADA网站可访问性修复服务. They were easy to work with, 非常敏感,并在需要的时间框架内完成了我们的项目. We'd definitely recommend them to companies of any size.

Rachel Shemirani, Senior Vice President, Baronsmarket.com, USA
Rachel Shemirani Senior Vice President, Baronsmarket.com, USA

Excellent App! Great for all size stores. Easy to install. 我需要一种以合理价格为大型商店提供全球合规的产品. It meets all my needs.

Rachel Shemirani, Senior Vice President, Baronsmarket.com, USA

Related Case Study

我们帮助一个基于圣地亚哥的美食杂货店网站成为一个可访问的WCAG 2.1 AA level standards Compliant!

客户在当地社区有一家美食杂货店,由当地家庭在圣地亚哥和河滨市拥有多家分店. 他们以最低的价格提供有机、天然和特色食品的精选. 他们会仔细考虑口味、配料、质量和价格,只选择少数几样东西. They find the best products and the best prices.

Read More about ADA Web Accessibility Case Study

What makes our digital accessibility developers exceptional?

  • Organizational member of W3C


  • 9 years of experience

    我们有超过9年的经验,提供ADA网页可访问性审计, design, development, remediation, consulting, self-assistance training, ongoing monitoring, monthly retainer and support services.

  • Cost-effective web accessibility solutions


  • Latest WCAG standards

    Our developers are skilled in implementing the latest WCAG standards, ensuring your website meets the highest levels of accessibility. 我们在为平台相关的可访问性差距提供建议方面有经验.

  • In-depth knowledge of assistive technology tools

    They have in-depth knowledge of assistive technology tools (e.g., VoiceOver, NVDA, Dragon natural Speaking, ZoomText,移动解决方案等.), and practices to support individuals with disabilities using the web.

  • Custom solutions

    Every website is unique. 我们的开发人员定制解决方案,以适应特定的需求和要求.

  • User-centric experience

    Our developers prioritize the user-centric experience, 确保残障人士可以无缝地浏览和互动您的网站.


使网站易于访问所需的时间取决于网站的大小和复杂程度以及存在的可访问性问题的程度等因素. 我们的开发人员将根据网站的可访问性需求的全面评估提供一个时间表.

Yes. Reach out [email protected].


To get started, reach out to us through this form or email [email protected].

Our developers have over 9 years of hands-on experience.

6 months.

  • Ensure compliance with accessibility regulations and standards.
  • 改善所有客户的用户体验,包括残疾客户.
  • 通过展示对包容性和可访问性的承诺来提高您的品牌声誉.
  • 通过让每个人都能接触到你的数字产品来扩大你的受众范围.

Reach out to hire a web accessibility developer or a team!

无论你是想审核或修复你现有的网站还是你客户的网站, reach out to hire our developers!