
PDF (Portable Document Format) is a widely used digital format worldwide and with our manual PDF Accessibility services, 我们会发现PDF文件的可访问性差距,并加以补救.




Our team of expert auditors evaluate the accessibility of existing PDF documents using automated testing tools and manual expertise.




我们确保PDF元素的可访问性,包括结构修复, text content, 交互元素优化, 色彩和对比度调整, 辅助技术兼容性, etc.




We test the accessibility of the remediated PDF document using screen readers and other assistive technologies to ensure that it can be navigated and understood by users with disabilities.




We deliver remediated PDF documents along with a compliance report detailing fixed issues and process, 其他基于个人计划的报告.




We will conduct periodic accessibility audits to identify any new accessibility issues and update it with our best accessibility practices to ensure accessibility compliance with accessibility standards.



We offer PDF remediation services to ensure your PDF complies with accessibility standards such as ADA, WCAG 2.2, Section 508, PDF/A和PDF/UA指南和标准. 它允许每个人访问pdf,无论他们的能力如何. 以下是我们提供的PDF元素,但不限于:


我们通过适当地标记诸如标题之类的元素来为PDF添加语义结构, paragraphs, lists, and tables. This ensures that assistive technologies can interpret the content accurately and provide a seamless reading experience for users with disabilities.


We enhance text accessibility by adding descriptive alternative text (alt text) to images, graphics, 多媒体元素. This enables screen reader users to understand the content of these visual elements.


我们设置颜色组合以确保足够的颜色对比度以提高可读性, 确保信息不只是通过颜色来传达. 这提高了文档的总体可访问性.


We optimize hyperlinks and navigation aids to ensure they are descriptive and meaningful for users of assistive technologies. Additionally, we add bookmarks and navigation features to facilitate easy document traversal.


We make forms, buttons, and other 交互元素 accessible by adding proper labels and instructions. This ensures that users with disabilities can interact with these elements effectively.


我们增强了文档元数据,比如标题, author, 和语言设置,以提高可访问性和可搜索性. 这有助于用户更有效地定位和浏览PDF文档.



Organizations seeking website accessibility remediation often require PDF accessibility remediation services, as PDF documents are commonly used on websites for sharing important information such as reports, manuals, forms, brochures, 数据表等.


PDF accessibility remediation services become essential when an organization is sued for not adhering to accessibility standards, 尤其是当涉及到PDF文档时.


When an organization receives customer complaints or negative feedback regarding difficulties in accessing PDF documents. Addressing these concerns through manual ADA remediation services becomes essential to ensure that all users can access the information effectively.


添加或删除内容会影响PDF文档的可访问性. Therefore, 维护可访问性遵从性, consistency, 遵守法律法规, 手动PDF可访问性修复变得至关重要.


standards introduce or any updates in existing accessibility document compliance standards, organizations require PDF accessibility remediation services to ensure that their PDF documents remain compliant with the most recent standard.

2008年7月,PDF 1.7被采纳为ISO标准(ISO 32000-1) [ISO32000]. PDF/UA(普遍可及性), which attained ISO Standard status in July 2012 and was subsequently updated in 2014 (ISO 14289-1:2014).


  • 遵守法律法规: Country wise there are specific laws and regulations mandating accessibility standards for digital content, 包括PDF文件. 通过使pdf易于访问, 组织满足并确保遵守无障碍法律,如WCAG, 或美国残疾人法案(ADA).
  • 防止诉讼: 通过确保数字内容, 包括pdf文档, 符合无障碍标准, organizations reduce the risk of lawsuits related to discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Non-compliance with specific digital accessibility standard can lead to legal consequences such as fine and lawsuit.
  • 接触更广泛的受众: 大约有1个.全世界有30亿人口.5 million people in the United States who are especially abled and rely on various digital assistive technologies like screen reader. By offering accessible PDF documents organization can cover those people and increase their reach.
  • 提供经得起未来考验的内容: PDF修正对于确保内容保持可访问性至关重要, 与新设备兼容, 适应辅助技术, SEO-friendly, 延长寿命 & 内容的可用性.
  • 品牌声誉: 展示可访问性和优先考虑多样性的组织, equity, 和包容(DEI)提高了他们的品牌声誉. It conveys a positive message about the organization's values and dedication to inclusivity to users, customers, employees, partners, 和利益相关者. In contrast, ignoring accessibility can lead to negative perceptions and reputational damage.
  • 社会责任: Ensuring digital accessibility reflects an organization's commitment to ethical and social responsibility. It acknowledges the rights of individuals with disabilities to access information. 将无障碍作为一种社会责任, 组织坚持道德标准, 与用户建立信任, 并为积极的社会变革做出贡献, 最终为所有人创造一个更具包容性和可及性的数字环境.
  • Cost Savings: While remediating PDFs for accessibility may require an initial investment of time and resources, 它最终可以节省成本. Accessible PDFs reduce the need for additional accommodations or alternative formats for individuals with disabilities, 如盲文或大字体, 哪一种的生产成本更高.



We are committed to help our customer to make PDF documents accessible to everyone 包括残疾人士. 通过实现自动的和手动的可访问性实践, 我们努力消除无障碍障碍,确保每个人都有平等的机会.


  1. 教育机构
  2. 政府机构
  3. Law Firm
  4. 医疗保健和保险
  5. 非营利组织
  6. 银行与金融


PDF accessibility remediation is the process of modifying PDF documents to ensure and enhance accessibility and usability of PDF document for people with disabilities.

PDF remediation is important to ensure accessibility and make PDF documents accessible to all users, 包括残疾人士. 它帮助企业防止诉讼, 提升品牌声誉, 覆盖更广泛的受众, 并通过提供简单、平等的访问来改善用户体验.

是的,请请求批量PDF修复报价或pg电子官网了解更多信息 (电子邮件保护)

对于PDF修复,我们遵循WCAG (2).0, 2.1, & 2.2), ADA, section 508, PDF/A和PDF/UA指南和标准.

是的,我们提供英文和中文的自动PDF可访问性修复服务 140 +语言.

Yes, 通过实现最佳可访问性实践, 我们创建可访问的PDF文档,也修复现有的PDF.

要开始使用PDF修复服务,只需pg电子官网 (电子邮件保护) or request PDF修复报价

Yes, 我们的PDF可访问性补救措施解决了所有可访问性问题, and for that, 我们提供自动和手动相结合的方法.

Yes, 我们修复后的pdf满足盲人用户的无障碍要求, 确保与屏幕阅读器和其他辅助技术的兼容性.


使用我们的PDF可访问性修复服务, our accessibility experts address all minor to major accessibility elements such as image alter text, headings, tables, diagrams, 内容文本可读性, 颜色对比, links, 交互元素, 以及与辅助技术的兼容性.

Yes, after PDF remediation we offer ongoing support and monitoring services to stay updated with the latest accessibility guidelines and maintaining PDF accessibility.

修复PDF所需的时间取决于总页数等因素, 文件的复杂性, 以及需要解决的无障碍障碍的数量.

用于修复pdf, 费用一般是每页5美元, 它取决于PDF的复杂性和可访问性障碍. 欲了解更多信息,请访问a PDF修复报价!

开始吧 PDF可访问性修复

使PDF文档具有包容性! 通过选择我们的PDF可访问性补救服务来提升可访问性. 让我们将您的pdf转换为完全可访问的资源, 确保每个人都可以毫不费力地访问和参与您的内容. 立即pg电子官网,开始增强您的文档可访问性!
